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4 Main Issues With Faulty Circuit Breakers You Should Know About

An electrical circuit breaker is one of the most vital elements of a home’s electrical wiring system. A circuit breaker is designed to suspend the flow of electricity when issues such as overloading or short-circuiting occur. Circuit breakers are available in a selection of sizes, depending on their area of coverage.

It is of vital importance for homeowners to have the necessary knowledge relating to circuit breaker faults and how to deal with them.

Understanding The Terminology

The basic terminology relating to circuit breakers involves:

  • Voltage – potency of electricity that is flowing through the wiring.
  • Amps – the volume of electricity flowing through the wiring.
  • Watts – the number of power usage of an appliance.

Be Knowledgeable About Your Circuit Breaker

Make sure you know the location of your circuit breaker and circuit breaker panel in your home. To quickly identify which circuit is causing the issue, each circuit breaker on the panel needs to be labelled.

Identification of The Problem

For you to be able to fix the problem, you need to know what the problem is. There are some minor issues related to faulty circuit breakers which include:

  • Blinking or Flickering Lights

When you’re switching on a specific appliance or light switch and all the lights in the room are flickering, this could be an indication of faulty wiring.

  • Overloading of The Circuit

When a circuit is overloaded, it might result in your circuit breaker tripping. Resetting of the circuit breaker may not alleviate the situation until the load on the circuit is lessened.

  • A Humming Noise Coming From The Circuit Breaker

This usually occurs when a circuit breaker is overloaded but hasn’t shut down sufficiently, or the connection problem has escalated into sparking. This could be of grave concern and needs to be addressed quickly.

  • Faults In Wiring

If you have problems with your electrical wiring, you may end up with a circuit breaker that is continuously tripping or in more severe cases; you may experience an electrical shock when switching on certain appliances. In this case, a professional electrical contractor needs to be contacted to sort out the electrical wiring in your home.

Checklist of Determining The Problem

There are a few DIY steps you can follow for minor circuit breaker issues you are experiencing.

  1. Resetting The Circuit Breaker

You need first to turn the switch off and then back on. In general, a circuit breaker will turn off if the circuit short-circuited or was overloaded.

  1. Checking For Loose Wiring

Often when you have faulty electrical wiring, you’ll experience blinking or flickering lights. Check if you can find any loose wiring and arrange for them to be replaced by a professional company. Many professional companies are available in the Perth which provides you 24 hour electrical services.

  1. Checking The Load

In case of a circuit overload, check all the appliances that are connected and move them to another circuit or room before resetting the circuit breaker.

  1. Checking Your Appliances

Sometimes the circuit breaker is tripping due to a faulty device which is causing a short. Check all exterior cords of appliances for any signs of discolouration or possible burning. In such a case, the cord needs replacing.

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